Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ten Tips for Successful Currency Trading

By Stephen Todd

Here are 10 tips for successful currency trading, and if you can implement them in your trading plan, your chances of trading success will be greatly enhanced.

1. Desire to Succeed - All the great traders have a burning desire to succeed and will do whatever is necessary to succeed.

2. Work Smart, not Hard - The amount of effort you put into currency trading has no influence on the amount of money you will make.

3. Simple Systems are better than Complicated Ones! - Many traders think the more complex a system is the more likely it is to succeed, but the opposite is actually true.

4. Don’t make Trades that are Uncomfortable - Trading is difficult, as you have to make trades sometimes to be successful that go against the majority of advice, you see (don’t forget most traders lose) so you need to take responsibility for your actions and act independently.

5. Discipline - Many traders have good trading methods that could make money, but they lack the discipline to execute the signals of their method.

6. Confidence - To trade in a disciplined manner you must have complete confidence in your ability to make money longer term.

7. Patience - Many traders think they always need to be in the market to make money, but the opposite is true.

8. Play Great Defence - All the great traders know that money management is one of the keys to trading success and they always protect their equity.

9. Be Realistic - We have all read stories of traders turning small amounts of money into fortunes quickly. While some traders have been able to do this, the reality for most traders is not so easy.

10. Know Yourself - By this, we mean you will know your strengths and weaknesses. By knowing yourself you will know what you are trying to achieve, how to do it and emerge a winner, which at the end of the day is what currency trading is all about.

So there, you have 10 tips for currency trading success. If you can absorb them all and implement them in your plan, these tips for successful currency trading will put you on the road to longer-term financial success. Good luck!

New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and currency trading info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Forex Trading – Five Tips to Make Money Fast!

By Stephen Todd

This article is all about FOREX trading to make you rich - and we’re going to give some alternatives to conventional investment wisdom. Why? - Because most traders in FOREX follow the norm and make average gains - while this article is about making spectacular gains from FOREX Trading and making money fast!

The Aim

Here we are going to assume you know how to trade, and you have a methodology for FOREX trading you are happy with, and can apply with discipline.

What we are going to show you here, is how to change your system from making average gains, to making spectacular gains, with simple changes in trade selection, money management, and mindset.

FOREX trading offers the opportunity to make money fast - so lets see how it can be done.

1. Accept Volatility and Risk Cheerfully

All good FOREX trading systems incorporate volatility.

You can't have a profitable FOREX trading method without taking calculated risks, and taking losses - if you can’t accept risk, then don’t trade.

Many traders back away from a market because it’s too risky - however, risk also means reward! If you are a trader who doesn’t like volatility, then go and find something else to do.

Drawdowns are part of trading; it’s volatile markets that make FOREX trading fun and highly profitable.

To the well-informed FOREX trader, a drawdown is not something to fear, but something to enjoy.

Remember: volatility = big opportunity!

2. Trade Infrequently

Many traders trade frequently and always like to be in the market. They think that in FOREX trading if they are not in the market, they will miss a move, or that by trading more frequently, they will make money - wrong!

The big moves in FOREX trading, with the best risk to reward, come a few times a year, and you should trade infrequently.

Focus on the trades that make the really big gains

3. Don’t Diversify

Diversification is an accepted wisdom, believed by most investors in Forex trading, but it won’t make you money fast, - it will do the exact opposite.

4. Money Management

So far, you may think that we are being a little rash, but this is not the case.

We are focusing on the BIG opportunities that allow us to make meaningful gains, and this is actually, where money management becomes so important.

If you are taking risk, you need to control it - risk as much as 10% per trade, but increase your chances of success by:

1. Buying options at or in the money, to give you staying power - and prevent yourself from getting stopped out.

Many traders lose, not because they were wrong in market direction - they just were stopped out by a volatile counter move - and options will give you staying power.

2. Many traders start trailing their stops to close, they then get stopped out – but the trade runs on to make spectacular gains. Don’t fall into this trap - keep your stop in its original position - until the move is well in profit, before moving it up.

You’re looking to make money fast, and you’re trading selectively - so have the guts to go for a trade when it looks good - and milk it for all it’s worth.

5. Understand the Power of Compound Growth

IN FOREX trading the way to make money fast, is to understand the power of compound growth. For example, if you target 50% a year in your trading, you can grow an initial $20,000 account, to over a million dollars, in under 10 years.

New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and FOREX trading info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD

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Monday, June 26, 2006

FOREX Currency Systems – Four Tips to Pick a System that Makes Money

FOREX Currency Systems – Four Tips to Pick a System that Makes Money
By Stephen Todd

With the many FOREX currency systems available, you can in theory, simply turn your computer on and follow the signals to generate automatic profits.

That’s the theory - but the fact is, there are many FOREX currency systems sold that are obvious scams, and the systems will never work.

This article aims to give you tips on picking systems that can make money, and avoid the scams.

There are two main reasons why most FOREX currency trading systems fail to live up to their Hype:

1. Black Box Systems

These are systems where the logic is not revealed to the buyer - and for a FOREX currency trading system to be used successfully, the trader must have confidence in it.

If you don’t know the logic of the system, you will not have the confidence to follow it when a losing period occurs.

You need to follow a system rigidly to make money - otherwise you may as well not have a system in the first place.

Using a FOREX Currency trading system is all about having the discipline to follow the system - and if you don’t have confidence in the logic, you will never do this.

2. Curve Fitting and Optimization

Another indication of a currency trading system that is a scam, is one that involves curve fitting, or optimization.

These systems give a fantastic performance in back testing - because of the tweaking of the system rules, to make them fit the data, and produce profits.

A trader once likened this to shooting holes in a barn door, and then drawing circles around every hole - to make each shot look like a bull’s-eye.

Let’s face it, we would all be millionaires, if we had tomorrow’s news today - but we don’t.

Avoid any system that offers unique rules, or many variations for trading different markets.

If the system is based on solid logic - it should work on ANY trending market, and should not be optimized, or curve fitted to an individual market.

You will never see a hypothetical performance that fails!

Most unscrupulous vendors achieve great performance by making the system fit the data - and this causes the system to fail in real time trading.

Here are four tips, to help you separate out the scams, from the good FOREX currency-trading systems:

1. The Rules and Logic are Fully Explained

You will then have confidence in the system when it suffers a string of consecutive losses.

2. Some Evidence of a Real Time Track Record

Has the system has made money in the real world of trading?

This is the acid test of a system. If there is not a real record, look for a hypothetical audit done in real time - many systems do this before launching, and this gives a good indication of how the system will perform.

3. Look for Simple Systems

There is absolutely no correlation between how complicated a system is, and its profit potential. In fact, simple systems tend to work best, and will tend to be more robust in the brutal world of trading.

Most of the top FOREX currencies trading systems are based on simple logic.

4. Avoid any Optimized System

As already mentioned, if the system has sound principles, and then it should work on a broad spectrum of financial instruments - avoid any system that optimizes individual markets.

Not all FOREX currency trading systems fail - but if you want to get one that works, be realistic and do your homework first.

Building Your Own System

Most traders like the concept of FOREX currency trading systems, but like to have some input to customize the system to their specific personality. If the system offers some human input, it is easier to implement the trading system with rigid discipline - which is the key to building consistent profits.

New! A valuable FREE Currency Trader CD containing 9 critical trading reports, tips, strategies and currency trading info. Visit our web site now and grab your CD

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